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As a Redhead I struggled with skin issues all my life. From burns to dry spots, if it was a sensitive skin issue, I had it! For the longest time I thought there was no help for me. It was just something I would have to deal with. Well I was wrong, here are some tips that every sensitive skin girl should have in their back pocket:

1. Treating DRY skin:

redheads have a tendency to get dry skin. We are not unique, many people struggle with dry skin, especially in the winter months. So how do you deal with it?

  • Drink lots of water: Sound simple but it's true! Hydrating your skin from the inside out is just as important as what you put on it. Now just increasing your water alone will probably not show you much of a difference, but that along with the rest of the tips, you will see your skin glow!

  • Limit your shower/bath time: Funny, right? I just told you to drink more water and now I am telling you to limit how much time you stand or sit in it. It might seem like spending time under the water would help to hydrate your skin and relieve some of the itchiness you might have, but really taking showers that are too long could actually be drying out your skin more. Try to limit showers to about 10-15 minutes. Oh and adjust that temp!!!! The American Academy of Dermatology notes that relieving dry skin is sometimes as simple as changing your shower routine. While most people tend to take hot showers, these can scald the skin and cause damage. Take short showers with water that’s warm, not hot.

  • Oatmeal Baths or Soaps: For relief from the need to itch, try running an oatmeal bath or soaps that contain oatmeal. It will help soothe the skin and reduce the itchiness of the skin. It moisturizes, protects, exfoliates, and cleanses your skin. Oatmeal also helps boost collagen production, improves your skin complexion, and reduces skin inflammation. You can use it in your bath, use it to make a paste for a face mask, or use it as a gentle cleanser.

  • Coconut oil: Coconut oil has emollient properties. Emollients fill the spaces between skin cells, creating a smooth surface. That’s why the saturated fatty acids that occur naturally in coconut oil can hydrate and smooth the skin. You can use coconut oil soaps daily on even the most sensitive parts of your body. These include the area underneath your eyes and around your mouth. Coconut is gentle enough for substantial everyday use.

2. Sunburns:

It doesn't matter if you are a Redhead or just a sensitive skinned girl, the sun it public enemy number 1. SO WHAT DO YOU DO?

  • Sunscreen: WEAR YOUR SUNCREEN is nothing new! Us redheads have heard it all our lives, but you to have skin issues somethings that easier said than done. My favorite so far is THRIVE. You can grab it off amazon and it is plant based. Whatever you get, it is important to look for all natural products. Extra chemicals are hard on the skin and cause skin irritations that lead to higher burn patches.

  • How to treat: Sunburns are going to happen, but when you have sensitive skin to start with taking that burn out can be hard. Our Sun kissed bar is made just for that! Sun Kissed is a magical mixture of Aloe, Honey, Lemon and Eucalyptus that will help put sunburn in it's place! From it's amazing smell to it's healing mixture, sunburned kids and adults will thank you for this product. Why does this work? Aloe vera is soothing and moisturizing, and it has cooling properties. This makes it an ideal choice for soothing the pain of minor sunburns at home. Honey has antibacterial properties, thus allowing injuries to heal without infection. Honey also reduces inflammation and moisturizes the dry skin of a sunburn, soothing the pain. Lemon causes redness to fade, lightens dark spots, and brightens your skin tones, eucalyptus is a great essential cooling oil to heal skin and cool burns

3. Daily Routine:

How we treat ourselves daily shows how our skin is going to feel, but diving into the world of skincare can be very overwhelming when you have sensitive skin. No fear, we got you!

  • Simplify your routine: After walking through the skincare aisle, watching an influencer’s routine on Instagram, or chatting with you bestie it’s easy to feel as though your skincare routine needs to include at least 20 different steps in order to be effective. For people with sensitive skin, the most effective care is often the most simple: cleansing, moisturizing, and applying a sunscreen for added protection and THAT IS IT!!!

  • Cleaning and Moisturizing: grab an easy gentile soap and lotion, personal I would reamend something without scent and oatmeal based. I know you love those pretty smells, but for sensitive skin fragrance is a big no-no. This includes perfumes and undisclosed fragrance (which just means that a manufacturer doesn’t have to tell you which chemicals make up the fragrance). Also look for all natural products. I am sure you are seeing a tread here, but I can not stress enough that chemical filled products are just to much for those with sensitive skin. Skin is great at hiding when it’s unhappy, so even if you don’t see immediate irritation after using a products with fragrance or chemicals, damage can occur deep within the skin that won’t show up until years later. All of a suddenly it becomes red, inflamed, and easily irritated at the drop of a hat and you are left wondering what happened!

4. Sensitive Skin Triggers:

So what are some triggers? Well that list is different for us all but here are some of the common daily ones; Pollution, Stress, Hormonal Fluctuations, Temperature Changes, Smoking, Alcohol, Diet, Cosmetic / Medical Procedures, Cosmetics and Soaps, and Chemical and/or Synthetic Fragrances and Dyes. That list seems like a lot and I am sure you are questioning what can you do besides sit in the house and not touch anything?!

  • Detox: Rid your routine of chemicals and environmental irritation in your daily life: laundry items, household cleaners, hand soaps, bug sprays, paints, etc..

  • Use a Humidifier: Unless you live in a humid climate, use a humidifier to help your skin stay moisturized. So many of us have dry houses and we don't even realize.

  • Manage Stress and Establish a Healthy Sleep Schedule: Stress and sleep are significant lifestyle factors that can affect skin health. I can not stress enough, 7-8 hours of sleep each nigh and turn off all electronics at least 1 hour before bed. Allow yourself to clam and relax before trying to fall asleep. Sometimes even a light stretching routine relaxes the mind and body.

  • Watch what you eat: We have all hear it before, "You are what you eat!" A healthy and varied diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans and omega 3 fatty acids is key to keep skin hydrated and provide all the vitamins and minerals it needs to perform a healthy function. So what are some foods to avoid for Sensitive Skin? Gluten: Gluten is a protein compound found in wheat, barley and rye. Additives: Additives like MSG, Red and yellow food coloring, Nitrates, Sulfites can cause different kinds of allergic reaction. Dairy, Eggs, Shellfish and Soy.

So to sum this all up - Live your life and have fun, but just pay attention to what you eat, what you put on your skin and how you sleep!

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